Hawaiian Holidays: Christmas With Na Leo

hawaiianholidays“Once again, Nalani Choy, Lehua Kalima, and Angela Morales speak to our hearts with their unique combination of sounds, story lines and finesse. Sparkling new gems interspersed with golden classics offer the listeners an eclectic array of holiday treasures.

Their characteristic blend, always sweet and angelic, has been a trademark from their humble beginnings as members of the Kamehameha Schools Concert Glee Club. Today, Na Leo Pilimehana is a household name, not only here in Hawaii, but internationally as well. And yet, with all the accolades with have come their way, they remain as humble and grateful as the day they started. Mele Kalikimaka!” – Randie Kamuela Fong

This is an enhanced CD with a bonus video of Hosana (Ua Mau) – PC and Mac Compatible!
