Uluwehi Guerrero

ulu-maccIt is said that if one could hear an angel sing, it would have the voice of Uluwehi. Uluwehi, which means “growing in beauty,” is a name fitting to this spirited talent. His sweet, soothing voice, soaring harmonies, intriguing arrangements, and powerful falsetto stylings – which were already well-known within Hawai´i’s hula community- stunned the Hawaiian music industry in 1996, with the release of his first self-titled CD. “Ka Manawa Pono” received 3 prestigious Nä Hökü Hanohano award nominations (equivalent to a “Hawaiian Grammy.”)

Since that time, Uluwehi has toured non-stop. He has been critically acclaimed from California to New York, Canada to Japan. He has performed at one of the world’s most coveted venues, Carnegie Hall. Uluwehi continues to garner new fans with every performance, pushing Hawaiian music ever closer to the global world music.

