The Brothers Cazimero

bro-caz-resizeThe Brothers Cazimero are consummate performers who have made their indelible imprint on the face of contemporary Hawaiian music. Their talent, longevity and sales success have placed them in a league of their own, untouched by any other performer in the history of Hawaiian music.

The early 1970s were a remarkable time as the Hawaiian culture and music began an amazing resurgence in Hawai‘i. Leading the way down this amazing new path were The Brothers Cazimero, carrying a torch that sparked a new interest in music performed in the Hawaiian language with a contemporary sound that has never been duplicated.

They are masters of their craft – their musicianship and stylish vocals blend to produce a style that is now part of the fabric of Hawaiian history. Their contribution to Hawaiian music and dance has continued to show outsiders to these islands as well as indigenous people how important these components are to the past, present and future of Hawai‘i. The components of the past play an enormous role in all aspects of The Brothers Cazimero performances. Their presentation of the chants, dances and songs of their ancestors serve to honor those musicians, composers, teachers and elders who paved the way for what they are able to accomplish in Hawaiian music today. As they honor the past, so do they continually look to explore new music and dance forms while remaining true to their heritage.



Mountain Apple Company • HAWAI`I
1330 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 001
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96814
Toll free: 800.882.7088
Phone: 808.597.1888
Fax: 808.597.1151

Lisa Soong –

Shelley Coscina –

Lisa Soong –
