Reviews of Brittni Paiva’s album, “Tell U What”!

Listen to samples of Brittni Paiva‘s new album, Tell U What, at our website!

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Here’s a sample of the rave reviews critics have been giving the album!

“Her latest CD, “Tell U What”, is an impressive collection of jazz, R&B, pop, reggae and classically influenced tunes……” — MIDWEEK

“Hawaii’s “Ukulele Darling” does it again. Brittni Paiva‘s new album, “Tell U What” is a collection of tunes that should be numbered one of the best albums of the year” — UKULELE PLAYER MAGAZINE

“…Brittni Paiva is constantly going somewhere. With each album she releases, a new journey begins and moves to new heights…. Brittni once again creates some incredible music and journeys to new dimensions with her trusty ukulele. A+.” — LIVE UKULELE

Brittni Paiva with Tell U What has her musical stock as an arrow pointing straight up………… Five stars and a smile” — CRITICAL JAZZ

“….this album could be Paiva’s introduction to Scott’s world-wide audience and become her formal debut in jazz circles.” — STAR ADVERTISER

“….Paiva knows how to turn up the heat and turn on a dime as this is wildly different that her past outings. With a youthful, non-pomo vibe, her take on the form is a welcome tonic. This is summer evening listening that’s right for any time, any time of the year. Well done.” — Midwest Records