“Pandora Needs to Do Right By Artists ” – More Support!

More support for fair treatment of artists! Check out this article from the Huffington Post by Blake Morgan, “Pandora Needs to Do Right By Artists”.

“Not long ago, a high-powered entertainment lawyer called to ask if he could meet with me. He said he had some big ideas that would help my recording career, and my label. I thanked him and explained that I had a lawyer I liked, a label I loved and that I was quite happy. He was eager and insisted I would find it valuable. So I decided to grab some coffee with him.

It turned out he did have ideas. Unfortunately, each one was either something my label and I were already doing, had already tried, or had thought of but wouldn’t want to do. After 10 minutes or so he got frustrated and said, “Okay, I can see now that for someone like you, it can’t just be any kind of help. It’s got to be the right kind.” I replied, “Well, yes — that’s what help is.”

If it isn’t the right kind of help, then it isn’t helping.”